The Mako is the vehicle used for exploration in Mass Effect 1. When finding a planet suitable for a landing party, a Mako was always used for traversing difficult terrain, covering lots of ground, and/or a great solution when Shepard is under attack by Geth troops. This thing is a tank, and has shields and guns made to last. It’s a lifesaver and required for some planets to avoid exposure from harsh atmospheres. So why am I about to complain about it?
Simply put, the Mako’s controls are terrible. It’s just hard to steer! On my wish list of improvements in Mass Effect 2, an upgraded Mako or heavy exploration vehicle is definitely high up on the list. Besides that though, I love the design of the Mako. It’s fun to drive if you’re in a flat area, and mowing down crowds of enemies is satisfying every time. It seems like a small detail to have a ground vehicle in a game, but it does a lot to add to the sci-fi feel of the game. The Mako is annoying at times, but necessary. In fact, being able to explore a planet’s surface at all is amazing. Once you’re down there, there’s usually other things to do like side missions and resources to collect. All in all, in my opinion, the pros outweigh the cons for the Mako. Plus, you really don’t have to use it that many times.