Back in November of last year I experienced Mass Effect 1 for the first time after purchasing the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, a collection of all three Mass Effect games in the trilogy as well as most DLC and updated graphics and systems. I was immersed in Shepard’s story, the alien cultures, and the military…
Category: Games

Tears of the Kingdom: The First Few Days
The latest addition to Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda series, and direct sequel to the widely-loved Breath of the Wild, released on May 12th last week. Playing Tears of the Kingdom has recreated the same sense of wonder and curiosity I felt when stepping into Breath of the Wild for the first time despite this sequel…

Tears of the Kingdom Final Trailer!
At the time of writing, there are less than twenty days left until the release of the hugely anticipated sequel to Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Until this final look at the sequel was revealed Zelda fans had very little idea of what the game will entail. As it happens, the final trailer…

The Diablo 4 Beta Experience
Continuing on my small trend of testing out games that have yet to fully release, I tried out the Diablo 4 Beta while it was open for testing in March. For a couple weekends last month players who pre-purchased the game were able to experience both the Early Access and Open Beta phases of the…

Sons Of The Forest in Early Access
It may come as a surprise that Sons of The Forest – a survival/crafting horror game – is one of my most anticipated games of 2023, as I can recall many hours of hijinks (and scares) from its predecessor: The Forest. Since Sons of The Forest hit Early Access in Steam this February and I…

Like a Dragon Ishin: A Historical Yakuza Spin-off
The latest addition to the Yakuza franchise released at the end of February this year in the form of a remake for Yakuza: Ishin; originally published in 2014, but never localized for western gamers. With its new title, remade graphics, and translation, Like a Dragon: Ishin is a game that long-time fans have been wanting…

The Thing About World of Warcraft Lately
World of Warcraft’s newest expansion was released last year in November, and since then I’ve had time to play through Dragonflight’s leveling experience but I haven’t been as excited about the game as I hoped I’d be. My burn out with WoW started towards the end of Shadowlands – at which point I had raided…

Gaming Highlights of 2022
I am never lacking for new games to play, whether they be actual new releases or just games I haven’t gotten around to trying yet. My Steam library is filled with titles I’ve purchased and plan on playing at some abstract point of time in the future. Occasionally I will play those games, or there’ll…

Pokémon Violet
The latest main entry in the Pokémon series released on November 18th, and it seems to be a popular topic of discussion online for better or for worse. While most reviews I’ve seen for the game are positive, the state in which the game released can’t be ignored. The ninth and latest generation of Pokémon…
Mass Effect’s Infamous Mako
The Mako is the vehicle used for exploration in Mass Effect 1. When finding a planet suitable for a landing party, a Mako was always used for traversing difficult terrain, covering lots of ground, and/or a great solution when Shepard is under attack by Geth troops. This thing is a tank, and has shields and…