The adorable game where you play as an orange tabby inexplicably wearing a backpack was announced in 2020, and wouldn’t be released for another two years. I was immediately drawn to the world in which Stray takes place, with it’s abandoned cities and fascinating sentient robots. It felt cyberpunk, but also post-apocalyptic. Beyond that, I…
Category: Games
Ode to Yakuza, a “Serious Crime Drama”
I started my journey with Yakuza over a year ago, on May 8th of 2021, to be exact. I can’t remember how I was turned onto Yakuza, whether it be by a friend’s recommendation, internet memes, or some combination of both. All I know is that it has become one of the best series I…
Castle Nathria… A Great Haunt
Nathria was the first raid introduced in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, and also my favorite. With its design heavily taking inspiration from Dracula, and the general gothic theme of vampires, it was a delight to make progress on this raid. The raid encounters were equally delightful – where one boss fight takes place in the…
BlizzConline 2021
This time around, BlizzCon was a bit different. It was shorter and pre-recorded, and no in-person cosplay contests. It was still good, and we did get information on patch 9.1, but Cons are social events and, even though I’ve never been lucky enough to go to BlizzCon, I could tell a certain excitement was lacking….
Shadowlands Season 1 Begins
We are now just about three weeks into Shadowlands and so far it’s been a busy – and slightly obsessive – couple of weeks, with gearing up for raid and keeping up with all the new things to do. The most exciting new thing that released with season 1 is the first raid Castle Nathria,…
A New Chapter Begins
I meant to write this post a few days ago but, well, I was too busy playing the game. I’ve been having a blast playing Shadowlands so far and while it isn’t the perfect expansion and I have some gripes, I already love many things about it. The Launch The launch was relatively smooth in…
Battle for Azeroth Retrospective
Tomorrow Shadowlands will be here, and I’ll be on my way to uncover a new story in a world unlike anything on Azeroth. There will be new stories, favorite characters, and the new endgame to discover. Today, however, I’m taking the time to reflect on everything I’ve experienced in the past two years. I’m a…
Shadowlands Pre-patch Week 2
Zombies and Scourge Invasions are back! This week’s events conclude and wrap up the transition into the new expansion, coming in just a few days. This week’s content is a throwback to the WotLK’s Scourge Invasions and although Blizzard has apparently rehashed this event before, this is the first time I remember participating in it…
Shadowlands Pre-patch Week 1
Shadowlands is finally on the horizon and as such Blizzard has released the real pre-patch event which leads us into the story of Shadowlands. This time the pre-patch only spans two weeks instead of BfA’s three week event, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. When I wrote about BfA’s pre-patch I commented that there…
Shadowlands Delayed… But We Got a Pre-Patch Release Date!
It was announced today that Shadowlands isn’t going to make it here on time for the global October 26th/27th release date initially planned. As sad as I am about waiting longer to play the latest stuff, in the same blue post Blizzard confirmed that players will have access to most pre-patch features on October 13th!…