So today was a good day. To me, it feels like a holiday when Blizzard announces the release date for a patch I’ve been excited about. 8.2 especially so because I love Queen Azshara. She’s a key part of Azeroth’s history, and a catalyst for a lot of things that have happened throughout time. When…
Category: Games
Taking the Crucible by Storm
The idea of a mini-raid is cool, it helps bridge the gap between major content patches. It helps blend the line between faction war and the Old God/Naga stuff that’s coming in patch 8.2 and definitely served as an interesting transition. I enjoyed it, but I want more! I think mini-raids are a good idea…
Finishing up BoD – Might of the Alliance
I’m back after a crazy month IRL! Finally I got around to editing and posting the last bit of footage from our Battle of Dazar’alor clear on Normal difficulty. While the Jaina fight stole the show for me, another standout fight is definitely Mekkatorque. The neat mechanic there is when he uses his Gnomish shrink…
Crucible of Storms Unlocks Today!
Deep beneath Stormsong Valley, and hidden underneath the Shrine of the Storms, an ancient and powerful evil has rested. Waiting for the right moment to reemerge after countless millennia. N’zoth has been described as the lesser of the Old Gods in terms of power, yet what he lacks in other areas he makes up for…
Clearing BoD – Empire’s Fall
This wing was super fun! I had to cut out a lot of footage for both Opulence and King Rastakhan, both of which were long fights and it took us a while to figure out mechanics (Opulence wiped the floor with us for a while). We did actually defeat Conclave in two pulls, which is…
Clearing BoD – Siege of Dazar’alor
Siege of Dazar’alor, or wing 1, consists of the first three bosses out of this nine boss raid, and I recorded most of the footage from our first full clear. This video was from the raid’s opening day, January 22nd, and we have since cleared the raid on Normal and are currently making our way…
My Revelation
Lately, every time I logged into WoW things have felt off. Something was missing for me, or, more specifically, for Aurashot. For years I’ve had a deep fascination with Night Elf history and culture, but therein lies the problem. Trolls, as you may know, are one of the oldest races on Azeroth. They pre-date Night…
Hati’s Back!
The long awaited quest to find and save Hati after the events in Silithus last expansion finally went live on March 12th, and I wasted no time. The quest-line was short but sweet, and the little cinematic at the end was no exception. Titanstrike Beast Mastery Hunters first meet Hati during their artifact acquisition quest…
Visiting Sunsong Ranch
One of the first things that come to mind when I think of Mists of Pandaria is Halfhill, the bustling farmer’s market town where the clueless Farmer Yoon resides. The story behind acquiring his farm, Sunsong Ranch, is familiar to anyone who loved Harvest Moon games like me. Basically Yoon was looking for someone to…
Dazar’alor Progress and… Island Expeditions?
Since BfA’s second raid came out at the end of January I’ve been having a blast running through it for the first time. The bosses are fun (for the most part) and challenging, and definitely aren’t simple fights. When I think about Battle for Dazar’alor the first thing that pops into my head is Opulence….