While I’ve been having a lot of fun progressing through Dazar’alor with my guild in the past couple weeks, I’ve also re-discovered my love for a forgotten class: the Warlock. I’ve had a Warlock alt for years and have had varying degrees of fun playing her, most notably around Cataclysm with the Destruction specialization. I…
Category: Games
Good Times in Uldir
With BfA’s second raid, Battle for Dazar’alor, opening tomorrow I took the time to compile some footage of some of my experiences in its first raid. I both loved and was frustrated by Uldir, for the right reasons. The fact that the entire raid took place in an ancient Titan testing facility with amazing architecture…
8.1 War Campaign Story So Far
With the release of patch 8.1 came new questlines for the War Campaign, BfA’s version of the Order Hall campaign from Legion. I like the idea of these over-arcing quests because they act like a narrative for the expansion and they’re a fun and organized way to communicate the story to the player-base. That being…
Why I Love World of Warcraft
Originally I had planned on posting about another topic, but that was before I watched Nixxiom’s video about why he still loves and enjoys playing World of Warcraft. I found myself agreeing with parts of the video, which led me to thinking about why I love this game so much. What keeps me logging in,…
We Wish You a Happy Winter Veil and a Blessed Lunar Festival! My Year in Review
It’s the end of another year, and an especially busy one for World of Warcraft. 2018 brought us patch 8.0, Battle for Azeroth, after an epic conclusion to Legion. As sad as it was to say goodbye, we looked to the future with high hopes. At BlizzCon 2018 in November we got a glimpse into…
Patch 8.1 – Tides of Vengeance!
The first major content patch finally went live on the 11th, and it was just what I needed as a player. I’ll admit that I had been in a bit of a slump with WoW and when I did log in, it was mostly to do my Emissary quests for my 1500 rep and then…
Leveling My Lowbie in Eastern Plaguelands
Wow, has it been about a month since my last post? After taking an unintended hiatus from blogging, I found myself in a rut in Warcraft. I was only logging in to complete World Quest requirements and occasionally run dungeons. Finally I found a way to break my boredom: leveling a new alt! This time…
Questing Through Nazmir
Exploring Nazmir and uncovering new bits of story that revolved around Bwonsamdi and the other loa was a fun experience. Journeying to the home of the Blood Trolls with Talanji and finding out just how deep the corruption of blood magic goes was both chilling and interesting. Through questing, I learned that two out of…
Questing Through Zuldazar
I finished up questing through my first Horde zone over on Zandalar, and had a great time! At times during the beginning the story seemed a bit slow, but started to pick up during the middle and end parts. Zandalar, the once mighty seat of power for all of Troll civilization, has had its control…
Warfronts Begin and the Updated Arathi Highlands!
Yesterday I was surprised when I logged in and accepted a quest that took me over to Stromgarde in Arathi Highlands. I was not expecting to log in that evening with the first Warfront, Battle for Stromgarde, going live just yet, but I sure am glad it did! Warfronts were released on the same day…