World Trees, trees grown massive through the help of magic, are important to the Night Elves for a variety of reasons. Aside from just being a beautiful thing to behold, they help connect Azeroth to the Emerald Dream and the first World Tree granted the Night Elves immortality at one time. Elves and Druids alike rest under their massive branches and, as we’ve seen with Teldrassil, one was once the seat of an entire race’s civilization. Battle for Azeroth started with the burning of a World Tree that was supposed to symbolize the dying of hope but, as Saurfang said, you cannot kill hope.

Nordrassil translates to “Crown of the Heavens” and was the first World Tree. Nordrassil was planted after the War of the Ancients, the huge war that began after the Burning Legion was drawn to the Well of Eternity and invaded Azeroth through the help of Queen Azshara. In the ensuing battle the Well of Eternity imploded, but before that Illidan Stormrage managed to fill a few vials from the Well. After the War of the Ancients was over Illidan went to Mount Hyjal, a sacred Druidic land, and poured a vial filled with waters from the Well into a large lake, intending to create a second Well of Eternity.

When the other Night Elves found out they were furious, and decided to plant a tree in the middle of the lake that would eventually soak up the lake. That tree, infused with Arcane energies from the Well of Eternity, grew so large that its branches seemed to touch the heavens. The great Dragon Aspect Nozdormu, Lord of Time, blessed the tree with immortality. And so, the Night Elves were immortal for around ten thousand years until the Burning Legion made its second invasion during the Third War. Archimonde the Defiler, one of Sargeras’ most trusted lieutenants, sought to once again claim the Well of Eternity’s power. In order to defeat Archimonde, Nordrassil’s power was unleashed and, in doing so, the Night Elves’ immortality was lost. After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the Night Elves struggled to pick up the pieces and return to their lives.

Seeking to restore the Night Elves’ immortality, a Druid named Fandral Staghelm took a seed from Nordrassil and buried it deep in the ocean off the shores of Darkshore. Indeed, the tree grew to a massive size and Night Elves built their capital city of Darnassus atop its branches and resettled there. This new World Tree became a stable home for the Night Elves, but their immortality was not restored. Teldrassil is the starting zone for new Night Elf players and the first area of the game they become accustomed to.

Teldrassil was burnt and evacuated at the start of the Battle for Azeroth, during the War of Thorns. Night Elves and Gilnean refugees alike fled the burning tree, but in the end there were massive casualties. Night Elves are now living in Stormwind City and again trying to pick of the pieces of their lives and continue on. Many have joined Tyrande Whisperwind’s Army of the Black Moon, where they have turned to the more vengeful side of their goddess Elune. The Night Elves’ future is uncertain, and there is definitely a lot of story left to tell with what happens next. I personally would like a newly remodeled and updated Teldrassil that serves as a questing zone, where players help replant a new World Tree.


This one was another failed World Tree, except it couldn’t even be used as a home. Vordrassil was planted in Northrend long ago, where an Old God also slept deep below the earth. The Old God Yogg-Saron corrupted the tree’s roots and ancient Night Elf Druids could sense the corruption taking hold in Vordrassil, and they ultimately destroyed the World Tree. Players that journey to Grizzly Hills in Northrend can still see the remains of Vordrassil strewn across the zone. In fact, the stump of Vordrassil is home to a tribe of Furbolgs and at the very bottom of the tree there appears to be a World Tree sapling taking root.

The first time I went to Grizzly Hills and saw Vordrassil I was awestruck by the scene of a broken World Tree. However, with a sapling growing in the center of the dead Vordrassil there may yet be hope for Teldrassil.

Another World Tree located in Mount Hyjal, this one had a much worse fate. Shala’drassil once served as a link to the Emerald Dream and was much beloved by Night Elves, like all World Trees, but it became corrupted after the emergence of the Emerald Nightmare. Now it appears as a gnarled, nightmarish shadow of its former self.
Nordrassil is considered the only “true” World Tree since it blessed the Night Elves with immortality and every other tree since has failed to do so. Yet, the stories and history behind these other trees are intriguing and important in their own way. The Battle for Azeroth began when Sylvanas Windrunner gave orders to have Teldrassil burned. My hope is that since the Fourth War has ended in peace (for now) between the Horde and Alliance, a new sapling will be planted and Teldrassil’s story will come full circle.
This post is my way of remembering what happened and hoping that Blizzard will create a cool story for the Night Elves with all of this extra material. I am especially excited for BlizzCon this year, with a new expansion announcement among other games seemingly also getting big announcements.