Finally getting around to editing and posting my video for the intro Zandalar stuff! I thought it would be good timing to post it now, because I’m planning on starting to level my Horde. After getting my main to 120 I feel like I can handle leveling again, plus I’m dying to see the Horde…
Category: Games
War Campaign Progress and Establishing Alliance Footholds
The other day I finished the second part of the Alliance war campaign, which is a series of max-level quests gated behind reputation gains with the 7th Legion. Progress on my war campaign stuff has been pretty slow, since I haven’t had much luck with earning rep very quickly. But I figured I’d write about…
Questing Through Stormsong Valley
I finally finished all eight chapters in Stormsong Valley after making myself go back there so I could get the Kul Tourist achievement. I knew I’d have to finish the zone at some point anyway if I ever wanted to unlock flying! Stormsong is in a weird place for me maybe because it’s the last…
Warbringers: Azshara is Finally Here!
It is so awesome to finally get confirmation on a part of Azshara’s past that had been long speculated by the community, and hinted at by Blizzard! It was very different from the Jaina and Sylvanas Warbringers videos in that both of those have elements of current events rather than just the past. By now,…
Questing Through Drustvar
Last week, shortly before I started feeling awful, I left Tirigarde Sound for Drustvar, eager to start in a a brand-new zone after all the time I had just spent in Tirigarde. Going into it I didn’t know much about Drustvar, except that it’s spooky! I wasn’t sure if I was going to like Drustvar…
Ding! Level 120!
A lot has happened since my last post, which was wrapping up the quests in Tirigarde Sound. Yesterday I finally reached level 120, even though I wasn’t feeling too great! While my brain has felt like mush for the better part of a week, I have been questing and documenting my experience all the same!…
Finishing Up in Tirigarde
Last night I finally made it through all of the quests in Tirigarde and started the intro quests for Drustvar, but had to stop myself so I could write this post! While questing through Tirigarde I picked up so many quests that I thought I might hit level 120 before leaving the first zone. When…
Starting in Tirigarde Sound
I actually completed all seven of the quest chapters in Tirigarde yesterday, but I figured I’d break up my posts on this zone since there is so much to cover. Also, while the chapters may be finished, there are a lot more quests left over in the zone and I want to experience all of…
Happy Launch Day!
Battle for Azeroth is finally here, and I must say that I have had a blast just in this first day. I was very nervous that server problems were going to sour the evening, but the launch went live without an issue! So far I really have to hand it to Blizzard and how smooth…
Taking a Look Back at Legion
In less than twenty four hours from the time of writing this, World of Warcraft: Legion will come to a close, and Battle for Azeroth will go live all around the world. I want to use this time to reflect on the last two years of WoW, and talk about how much of a blast…