What an expansion it’s been. I joined my guild at the end of the Uldir, the first Battle for Azeroth raid, and I’ve been having a blast ever since. Raiding (not in LFR) has added more flavor to a game I already enjoy playing, and it’s strange to think I’ve played this long without joining…
Category: Games
2020 Isn’t All Bad
After struggling through a long period of time marked by lack of motivation, in no small part due to the current pandemic (but also pure laziness), we got some awesome news that Shadowlands – the eighth expansion to World of Warcraft – will be here on October 26th! With the upcoming pre-patch most likely coming…
The Story of Aurashot – Part One
World of Warcraft has been a lot of things for me over the years, whether it be a place to escape to or a way to bond with family and friends. It’s also been an outlet for me to express my passion, and when I was about 14 I combined my love of the game…
The World of Treecraft
World Trees, trees grown massive through the help of magic, are important to the Night Elves for a variety of reasons. Aside from just being a beautiful thing to behold, they help connect Azeroth to the Emerald Dream and the first World Tree granted the Night Elves immortality at one time. Elves and Druids alike…
Azshara’s Eternal Palace Wings Two and Three
My guild’s progression through Eternal Palace has been a blast, and this video has more fun and interesting fights. From this (long) video, my favorites are Orgozoa and Lady Ashvane. Part of the excitement of Orgozoa’s fight for me is that his model looks really cool, and he’s one of the neatest-looking bosses yet that…
The First Wing of Azshara’s Eternal Palace
Battle for Azeroth’s third full raid came out in Patch 8.2, which ended with confronting Queen Azshara herself. These first three bosses in the eight-boss raid were fun and unique. The most unique fight being the second boss, Blackwater Behemoth, being that it’s a fight done completely underwater. I was excited for that fight and…
The End of the War Campaign… The Beginning of Something Else
Content update 8.2.5 went live on September 24th in North America and brought with it the conclusion to the long-running arc that was set in motion after the burning of Teldrassil. The update came with a couple of fantastic cinematics to tie up the story, but mostly I was left with questions. While 8.2.5 was…
A Classic Walk Back in Time
This is likely to be the only post I make on the topic of WoW Classic, but I am very happy with this video and had a great time making it. It was fun to go back and get as close as I could to recreating a memorable – and tedious – moment from Warcraft…
I’ve held off on writing about 8.2 for a few different reasons. One big one being that I spent all my time playing the game rather than thinking about things I’d like to write about. The other being that I had mixed reactions about each zone both positive and negative. I figure that each new…
The Curse of Flesh
A new short story in the style of mini-comics that has become customary for BfA came out a couple days ago and, like the other installments, this one is fantastic. The comic is all about Mechagon and giving the players a short but sweet introduction to the new content coming in 8.2, and the popular…